Performance Notes
Originally for full symphonic orchestra; this arrangement is for string orchestra (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello, Contrabass)
Melodic Themes
Primary theme: A scalar theme in G minor.
Secondary theme: A syncopated theme in Bb major.
Tertiary theme: A tension-building theme created from a repeated 2-bar motif coupled with a variation of Primary theme material.
Idée Fixe: Solo violin theme in m. 165. This theme represents the ‘love theme’ that recurs in other movements of Symphonie Fantastique.
Expression & Techniques
Hooked bowing
Dotted rhythms
Scalar runs
Subito contrast
Subdivision (sextuplets)
Nonmetric accents
Solos (balance)
Modal modulation
Non-divisi chords
Main Key: of G minor
Modulates to: Bb major
Ends in: B major
Group Problem Spots
Primary theme intonation (octave jump)
m. 47-48 (Non-divisi chords)
m. 61 (Scalar run pitch accuracy & saving the bow)
Hooked dotted quarter - sixteenth rhythmic motif. Challenging to not turn this into triplets by accident.
Offbeats (Secondary theme)
Sextuplet subdivision (first seen in m. 79)
m. 82-89 and 109-114 (Quick arco-pizz exchanges)
m. 113 (triplets)
m. 152 (chromaticism)
m. 161 (triplets)
m. 171-end (intonation, power, quick rolled chords; may want to divisi)
Violin I Problem Spots
m. 25 (rhythmic accuracy)
m. 114-123 (intonation, string crossing)
m. 123-135 (upper divisi intonation)
m. 140-152 (intonation, rhythmic accuracy)
m. 148-152 (bowing)
m. 165-169 (solo subito dolce)
Violin II Problem Spots
m. 114-123 (grace note timing, intonation)
m. 123-135 (upper divisi intonation)
Viola Problem Spots
m. 123-135 (upper divisi intonation)
Cello Problem Spots
m. 49-61 (solo arpeggios)
m. 140-152 (intonation, rhythmic accuracy)
Bass Problem Spots
m. 89-93 (bowing)
m. 95 (triplets against dotted quater-sixteenth theme)
m. 97-101 (bowing)